Welcome to the

Wizard's Alcove!

Venture forth into a world where elixirs cure and spells transform--here, the fantastical is the antidote to the mundane (and a pinch of madness is just what the doctor ordered q; ).

About the Wizard

placeholder image of wizard at computer

Click the wizard to see some magic :O (wait for the page to finish loading first)

Greetings, wise sage (random visior)! You’ve stumbled upon the humble abode of a wizard-in-the-making (and by wizard, I mean a sleep-deprived med student with a penchant for caffeine). Each day, I wield my textbooks like ancient tomes, and learn to cast powerful healing spells (also known as cramming for exams). My spirit animal is a fiery phoenix with large flaming wings--not because it’s majestic, but because it’s a hot mess