Welcome to the

Wizard's Alcove!

Venture forth into a world where elixirs cure and spells transform--here, the fantastical is the antidote to the mundane (and a pinch of madness is just what the doctor ordered q; ).

About the Wizard

placeholder image of wizard at computer

Greetings, wise sage (random visior)! You’ve stumbled upon the humble abode of a wizard-in-the-making (and by wizard, I mean a sleep-deprived med student with a penchant for caffeine). Each day, I wield my textbooks like ancient tomes, and learn to cast powerful healing spells (also known as cramming for exams). My spirit animal is a fiery phoenix with large flaming wings--not because it’s majestic, but because it’s a hot mess

My Journey

Every sunrise heralds a new chapter in this epic saga (and a fresh opportunity to question my life choices). Each day, I don my cloak of resilience (a coffee-stained hoodie) and venture forth into the treacherous realm of academia, where the monsters are exams and the treasure is, well, passing grades (or getting just enough knowledge to not accidentally maim someone).

Webpage Goals

Well aside from needing to make fresh assets from the ground up (since i dont want to worry about copyrighted placeholders) I think something I really want to add is have it so that when the site loads for the first time, instead of saying 'Welcome to the wizards alcove' itll instead say 'welcome to the boring zone' and then have a fireball fly in and burn the old title and then the actual title will apprear saying 'welcoem to the wizards alcove'. Im considering making it lightning instead of a fireball since epic lightning wizard powers but fire seems to make more sense for now.

Another idea i want to toy with is instead of the floating spinny wizard hat in the background its a landscape and to the left of the page there is a wizard tower that goes down infinitely. im thinking it would be cool if there are layers so it starts with a surface, then it enters the ground and becomes like an underground dungeon and if you keep going deeper you eventually make it to hell or some mystical void. i also think it would be cool if I added windows or flags to this tower that doubled as buttons to other pages on the site but i dont know how i would get that to look yet and thats assuming i can figure out how to properly program the website in the first place.

My coding skills might be covered in cobwebs and look about as rusty as a knight’s armor after a rainstorm, but fear not! For I shall dust off the old spellbook and conjure up the coding prowess needed to make this vision a reality! (or so I tell myself as I ignore my growing pile of unfinished assignments)

Beyond these visual gimmicks, I want the website to serve as a portfolio showcasing my creative work and projects, including music, animations, and art. I’m even thinking about dedicating a page to the various tabletop characters I’ve played over the years, complete with their backgrounds, adventures, character art etc.

Is this project more ambitious than a goblin trying to outwit a dragon? F*** yeah it is. But it’s also a crucible for my creative energies, a long-term quest with enough variety to keep the dreaded specter of boredom at bay (though I wouldn’t be shocked if this page slips into my ever-expanding abyss of forgotten tabs).

In time, I aspire to contribute to the coffers of Neocities (Become a Supporter™). But alas, as an arcane scholar on a budget tighter than a goblin’s grip, I can't justify making the purchase just yet.


Should you wish to partake in this grand adventure (or simply marvel at the audacity), dispatch a raven or consult the crystal ball at realwizard@arcanefarts.com.